The Art of Subwoofer Placement

The Art of Subwoofer Placement

What’s the best location for my subwoofer? Like many things in life, subwoofer placement often involves compromise, and is typically driven by competing variables like décor and visual impact considerations, available floor space, and of course optimal sound quality.


Just One Spot…

Sometimes there is literally ‘one spot’ for the subwoofer. Don’t feel badly if this is the case – it’s very common for mixed media audio systems to be located in a living/family room. Everything in the room is competing for available floor space, and décor and visual impact are often significant considerations too.

If you are limited to a single subwoofer location, to the extent possible try to find the best listening location in the room. You’ll notice as you move through the room that the bass response will vary significantly. This is due to the complex pattern of direct and reflected standing waves in the room.

Sometimes simply moving a few feet in any given direction can improve the bass from boomy and one-note to balanced and accurate. Once you find the ‘subwoofer sweet spot’ in the room – reserve that seat for yourself!

A Few Available Subwoofer Locations

Dedicated listening rooms and home theaters will generally have more flexibility with subwoofer placement, with 3-4 potential locations usually available.

Placement 1


Start Up Front


Subwoofer placement in the front of the room usually results in the best blending with the main speakers and center channel and minimizes localization effects.



Try A Corner First

SVS recommends starting with corner placement. Corner placement excites all possible room modes, resulting in a denser standing wave pattern in the room. This reduces (but doesn’t eliminate) the potential to encounter nulls, which are acoustic cancellation points or ‘dead spots’ in the room.

If corner placement on the front stage sounds awesome – consider yourself lucky and kick back to enjoy some music and movies!


The ‘Subwoofer Crawl’

Subwoofer Crawl

If corner placement doesn’t result in optimal bass response, then SVS recommends the ‘subwoofer crawl’ technique. This involves the following steps:

  • Place the subwoofer at/near the main listening position. Get help moving the subwoofer if it’s a big/heavy model.
  • Loop a familiar soundtrack with a repeating bass line.
  • Evaluate the bass quality at each available subwoofer location in the room. Keep your head at/near knee level while listening (hence the term ‘subwoofer crawl’).
  • Pick the location in the room which provided the most accurate and balanced sounding bass – and place the subwoofer there.

Other Tips to Improve Bass Response

Be Flexible With Listening Location

Even if you’ve already found the best subwoofer location in the room, it still pays to be flexible with the listening position. Small changes in the seating location can often yield big benefits by moving out of a peak or null and into a more neutral sounding location.

EQ Can Help

While nulls or ‘dead spots’ should be avoided at all costs, standing wave modal peaks can often be tamed with equalization. Some AVR auto-set-up routines can equalize the subwoofer channel. If your AVR does not EQ the sub channel, there are plenty of external subwoofer EQ systems on the market which are affordable and effective.

EQ Charts

Trap That Bass!

Due to their size and visual impact, bass traps are often a non-starter in living/family rooms. But bass traps are often a possibility in dedicated listening rooms and home theaters. Bass traps significantly reduce the amount of reflected bass energy in the room, reducing the severity of modal peaks and nulls and also lowering decay/ring times – greatly improving sound quality.

Go Duals

Despite all your efforts optimizing subwoofer placement, a single subwoofer will not have an optimal frequency response at all listening positions in the room. This can be a real problem in larger home theaters with multiple rows of seating.

Upgrading to dual subwoofers greatly increases the modal density in the room. The result is a smoother frequency response at more listening positions in the room, with less potential for obvious peaks/nulls in the frequency response. This also makes the use of any EQ more effective.

Article Source: SVS