Beyerdynamic Xelentos - Rapallo

Road testing the Beyerdynamic Xelentos

About a week ago, I got a message from Rapallo’s Ben: ‘We’ve got these earphones in. I have never felt so close to music before. Voices feel so real and intimate, like the singers are standing right in front of you or singing softly into your ear. It’s quite an emotional experience. I can only call it ‘silky smooth’. I ’m saving up for these.’

He was talking about the Beyerdynamic Xelentos. 

Now, it’s not unusual for one of the Rapallo guys to fall absolutely in love with one of our products. Usually, one of them goes head over heels and the other two nod in agreement, but the ‘I want’ is usually reserved to just the one of them. Which is not that hard to understand considering their differences in ages (young adult vs middle aged), passion (audiophile vs musician vs home theatre fanatic vs a combination of any of the previously mentioned) and personality (well… we won’t go there :-)). But when it come to the love for this pair of in ears…


Is it time to upgrade your AV-system? - Rapallo

Is it time to upgrade your AV-system?

With CEDIA 2018 now finished, we are getting bombarded with new products. Just a couple of days ago, both JVC and Sony caused some stir in the world of AV with their newly announced home theatre projectors. If keeping up with all the new and improved AV products is doing your head in, you’re not alone. The question to ask is, is it really necessary to forever update your AV system? Are we really talking about an improvement, or are we just buying into the next marketing trick?

The life cycle of electronics is extremely short these days. Do you need to upgrade? The answer to that question is sometimes ‘yes’, sometimes ‘it depends’, but more often than you would be led to believe it’s ‘no’. 

Multi-Room Audio - Rapallo

A multi-room audio system: beyond Sonos

I speak from first-hand experience when I say that a multi room audio is awesome. It wasn’t until I ( under slight pressure from my better half) ended up with a 4 zone multi-room audio system in our own house that I actually got to appreciate it. But just like I did, a lot of people still consider it a luxury. I tell you: it is not! Some things are a waste of money, some things you only appreciate once you get to experience them. This is one of those.
Say ‘multi room audio system’ and people think ‘Sonos’. And while that is definitely a valid and popular option, there is so much more to the topic. See, a multi room audio system can be, but doesn’t have to be wireless to start with. Multi room audio systems are quite a wide topic that can be completely tailored to your own wishes, needs and budget. It can be as sophisticated or as simple as you want it to be.

Rapallo | Denon AVC-A1H 15.4 Ch 8K AV Receiver

AV Receiver Shopping Guidelines

Chances are pretty good that an AV receiver is amongst the audio visual items present at your home. Said AV receiver these days is packed with advanced technology and features that all carry some abbreviated letter name of some sort. Many of us will have to admit, half of the time that fancy letterword may as well be mumbo jumbo. You can relax, it’s not you.:-)
But when it’s time to upgrade and with every supplier screaming how they’re the greatest thing since sliced bread, how do you make any sense out of that? I mean confusion reigns, no?

Rapallo | Vogels SOUND 3205 Speaker Wall Mount

Rapallo’s pre-wiring tips for a great audiovisual set-up

During our time as AV supplier and custom AV integrator, we’ve seen several home-owners placed in difficult situations because of incorrect pre-wiring by either themselves or a contractor.
We have a few tips lined up that will save you time and money in the future, and allow you to have a better finished product. Most of them come from personal experience, but we’ve been gathering a few excellent ideas from forums as well.

The ins and outs of our Rapallo Launch Event

The 1st of September is approaching fast and we have been very busy prepping for our Rapallo Launch Event. You see, mid-June we moved to our new location in 11A Allens Road and we thought it was about time we would have a little celebration with our customers. I hope you’re coming!

For our customers that aren’t Auckland based and won’t be able to make it all the way out for our Launch Event, don’t despair. We love you just as much, so keep reading. We didn’t forget about you. 

And there sure is plenty to be excited about.

The Experience Rooms - Rapallo

Dream set-ups for lottery winners

When we were working on last week’s blog about how budget speakers have really raised the benchmark in recent years, we kind of got carried away and started talking about what our set-up would look like in the unlikely event of winning the big lottery ticket. 


Silly exercise, you may say. But I have an uncle who did it; and if he can do it, so can we! On top of that, it’s the stuff dreams are made of and what’s even better: it’s fun! It sure put a smile on our faces. 

The whole thing kind of went from ’I would like some fancy speakers’ to entire house renovations with all the whistles and bells. 

So what crazy splash-outs did we come up with? 

Budget Speaker Fiesta

Last week we had one of our headphone distributers walk into our speaker demo room. His response? ‘Wow! That’s a lot of speakers!’. And we do. It’s something we’ve been working on. When we upgraded our demo room, we wanted to offer our customers the opportunity to really check out options.

Especially the budget bookshelf market lately has really stepped it up, with several options from different brands that all receive 5 star reviews as well as the ‘speaker of the year’ badge. So how do you make sense out of all that raving pick-me information?

Home Theatre Projectors - Rapallo

Crystal ball predictions on home theatre projectors

Lately, we’ve been chatting about a lot of things, but we’ve been a bit quiet on the home theatre projector front. It’s easy enough to think that nothing much is happening  when it comes to projectors, but frankly, you couldn’t be further off the ball. Things are moving; and they are moving fast. In the last year, projectors have become cheaper and technology is getting more and more sophisticated. What used to be reserved for the fat wallets of the elite, is now accessible for most people who are passionate enough to forego some of the other perks of life.So what is our crystal ball saying about the near future of home theatre projectors? 

Yamaha RX-A or RX-V: what’s the difference?

Recently, we’ve added the Yamaha Aventage Series to our offering and we’re really stoked about that. Why’s that, you may ask? Isn’t Yamaha just Yamaha? And you’re right. We’ve been recommending the Yamaha RX-V series to our customers for a long time and for good reason. It’s just good, reliable ‘stuff’ that doesn’t tend to ‘play up on you’. And in the odd occasion where it does, the support you get from Yamaha and the importer is excellent. So what’s the difference between the RX-V Series and the Aventage Series? The answer to that tends to be a little obscure. You definitely are not going to get a straight answer from the Yamaha website. So here’s a bit of an explanation of why it’s a big deal.